Sorry about not updating for a while. To be honest, the Disney trip really left me exhausted and I've been trying to catch up on sleep ever since.
It was a fabulous trip, however and we had more fun than any of us expected. Max was thrilled to be just the right height to be able to go on all but the very scariest of rides. He really surprised us with how brave he is - he had no fear of the rollercoasters and somehow managed to score the front seat on every ride he went on! And he lost his second tooth while we were there. How cool is that?
The first day we went to Sea World and the kids got to feed and touch the dolphins. The dolphin show was spectacular and they've really made it into a show rather than just a dolphin exhibition. It was very cirque du soleil with high wire acts, music, flying parrots and it was a real highlight for us. The Shamu show was great too of course.
The second day we visited the Magic Kingdom. It was so much fun! Lily got to meet Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Belle. She was so star struck at the first two that she barely said a word, just stared in awe at them. She hasn't seen Beauty and the Beast so she chatted away to Belle without any shyness. She wouldn't let us wipe of Aurora's lipstick and walked around with it on her cheek for the rest of the day.
We went back to Sea World the next day to catch the parts we'd missed on the first time round, like the manatees (wow those things are enormous!) and pet the dolphins one more time. Tim and I also got to ride the amazing Kraaken roller coaster while the children were with Grandma and Pappa at the Shamu show. There were no lines to wait in because everyone was at the show and we rode it until I got so dizzy we couldn't ride any more! Good times.
On Saturday Denell and Devin had to go home so we saw them off and went to Epcot - the one place Tim wanted to see before we left. We had fish and chips in England, eclairs in Paris, beer in the beer garden in Germany and falafel in Morocco. In Paris Lily got to meet Sleeping Beauty again. She took quite a shine to our little princess and wouldn't let her go! She spent a long time with her and really made her day.
We stayed until closing so that we could see the breath taking fire works display, it was worth waiting around for!
We must have walked for miles and miles every day, no wonder we were so tired. But it really was a fantastic trip, we enjoyed it thoroughly -thank you Charles and Eunice - happy 40th wedding anniversary!